Are you really Crybaby
Are you truely fun on Melanie Martinez ?
által Crybaby
15 kérdések
1. What is full name of Melanie Martinez ?
a Melanie Martina Martinez
b Melanie Adele Martinez
c Melanie Martinez Defraunter
d Melanie Sortauma Martinez
2. When and where was she born ?
a 4/28/1995/ New York
b 7/12/1995/ New York
c 7/12/1995/ Madrid
d 11/7/1995 Barcelona
3. What was her first word ?
a Mine
b Mama
c Fuck
d Doll
4. How many tatoos she have ?
a 21
b 5
c 35
d 42
5. What song she was singing on The Voice ?
a I kissed a girl
b Locked Away
c Toxic
d One more time
6. What is her fist song ever ?
a Carousel
b Cake
c Crybaby
d Dollhouse
7. Why and how old was she when she painted her hair first time ?
a 12 years, cause that were her favorite colors
b 16, cause of Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatiners
c 20 years, cause one of her dolld
d 19 years, cause she thought that she need some change
8. How many song are in her album Crybaby ?
a 15
b 17
c 23
d 21
9. What song was hardest to write to Melanie ?
a Crybaby
b Mrs. Potato Head
c Gingerbread man
d Pacify her
10. She was "made" by...
a Alan Walker
b Nicholas Kge
c Tim Burton
d Marlena King
11. On wich team she was on The Voice ?
a Adam Levine
b Nick Krompton
c Britney Spers
d Shakira
12. What was she playing whne she was young in school ?
a Football
b Baketball
c Swimming
d Softball
13. What Melanie doesnt own of clothes ?
a Snickers
b Skirt
c Jeans
d Hills
14. If she wouldnt be singer, she would be..
a Model
b Nurse
c Tatoo artist
d Dancer
15. And last, what is Melanie afraid most ?
a High and dark
b Clown and flowors
c Bee and dark
d Nothing