Do you know all about GPS watch ? (English)
Just a little quiz to test your knowledge on the gps watch.
által sarah.langlois
5 kérdések
1. Can we see the time on the watch ?
a Yes in addition to the GPS Function
b No, it just has the GPS Function
c It's just a decoration
2. How the watch works ?
a Alkaline cell
b Electric battery
c Solar energy
3. Does this watch exist ?
a Yes it was create by samsung and lg
b No there just watches phone
4. Can we call with the gps watch ?
a Yes of course it is one of the many options
b This is not just a watch that tells the time
c GPS watch gives the time and indicates our position but does not phone
5. Is that the watch can be used for sport ?
a Of course not it is too fragile
b Yes it allows you while jogging never get lost
c Obviously it just gives time